πŸ†” What defines You? Share Your Preferences πŸ†”

January 13, 2021

How would you like to be defined?

By your #disability first? Or, as an individual with thoughts, feelings and abilities?

By Philip Francis Anderson, Site Owner

How would you like to be referred? πŸ‘¨‍🦯 In other words: PP Fleming, my blind friend.

Or, My blind friend, PP Fleming πŸ‘©‍🦯

Or, just PP Flemming?

One of the reasons why there is so much negativity surrounding disability is because of the word itself used to define/describe it.

In spanish, Dis literally translates as "hopeless." And in English, it denotes something bad as in the case of "Disrespect" speak bad of, or subordinate (inferior) when used in ordinal numerical terms given that it's the number that comes after one.


Insulting or what!

🦽 Using negative prefixes such as Dis to describe a wheelchair user for example, denies them their right to individual status, an actual person with thoughts, feelings and abilities.

βœ‹βœ¨ Share your personal preferences with me and encourage others to do the same by posting this petition to as many of your contacts on social media as possible and inviting them to sign.

The more support we receive, the bigger our chances we will have of declaring victory!

Post now!

Thank you.



Philip Anderson


Independence for Life


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