🦮 Talk To Me Not The Dog 🦮

January 7, 2021

As a long-standing Guide Dog owner, the annoying and disrespectful aged-old issue of the public addressing my dog first rather than me is showing no real signs of abating and it's time to take action to prevent this from happening; one reason why I have launched the "Time to Take The DIS Out of Disability" campaign, for which I would like to offer you my grateful thanks for signing and supporting.

There's nothing more annoying I find than hearing members of the public throwing passing remarks at my guide dog like:

"It's amazing how you know where everything is" to "Take your master into the shop and mind how you go" as if I'm deaf, helpless and devoid of all sense of direction.

More insulting is when I hear others saying:

"I bet you're a big help to him (meaning me) in the house," doubtless mixing up my guide dog with general Assistance dogs.

Why do they do it? Too many reasons to list here. Except to say, lack of awareness and a catalogue of misconceptions gleamed from adverts and politically incorrect TV programmes.

While I accept that dogs by their very nature are adorable and very eye-catching, talking to a guide dog while it is working is not only impolite and disrespectful to the owner, but distracting and dangerous as demonstrated in this video featured here:

This is why I'm urging as many as possible to follow and share this campaign as it involves individuals, families and society. Your involvement could make all the difference to the lives of many. 

If you could take a moment to post this to as many of your friends on Facebook and Twitter, I should be ever so grateful.

Meanwhile, thank you for signing and supporting my campaign to remove the DIS from out of Disability as we strive to create to person-centered and inclusive future for all. 

Philip Anderson


Independence for Life

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