Sign My Petition

January 5, 2021

It's Time to Take the DIS Out of Disability

Creating a "Person-Centred" Future for All!

By Philip Anderson, Blog Owner.

Stack of clipboards with sheets of paper clipped to them
Person sat in wheelchair, looking down a corridor that is out of focus

Is it time Disability was given a new lick of paint?

Time "Dis" was removed altogether?

Time we all stopped hiding behind labels and celebrated the ability in us all?

Sign The Petition

You and I both know it is going to take more than just a new word or phrase to change the public perception of disability. However, a step in the right direction could make all the difference.

As someone who has been living with sight loss for over 50 years, I believe the "Dis" in "Disability" is negative and counterproductive.

In my view, "DIS" has a tendency to focus attention on the problem rather than the person and their abilities. Concentrating on it could quite easily culminate in a life-time of dependency and underachievement.

Whereas, being in a position to recognise one's abilities and deciding one's future goals and aspirations, has been shown to have a positive effect on a person's well-being, confidence and morale overall, with me as living proof: from four excellent careers to community champion, to proud father of an equally ambitious son who is now following his own career path in the business world to great critical acclaim.

Please follow and share this campaign as it involves individuals, families and society. Your involvement could make all the difference to the lives of many.

Sign Here

Thank you.

Philip Anderson


Independence for Life

Silver tipped fountain pen open and resting on the pen lid, on top of lined white writing paper

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