By Philip Francis Anderson, Activist and Podcast Host campaigning for change.
As someone who has lived with sight loss for over 50 years, I have encountered various experiences when meeting new people. It is essential to approach such encounters with empathy, respect, and a person-centred mindset. In this blog, I will share some dos and don'ts based on my first-hand experience of sight loss since birth. Remember, it's crucial to prioritise the person first and acknowledge their sight loss as a secondary aspect.
By adopting a person-centred approach when meeting someone with sight loss, we can create a more inclusive and respectful environment. Remember to use person-first language, offer assistance respectfully, and communicate clearly. Avoid making assumptions, underestimating abilities, and using offensive language or stereotypes. Let's foster a culture that recognizes individuals for who they are, prioritizing their personhood above their sight loss.
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