Is it Time to Take The Dis Out of Disability?

December 7, 2020

Time the word received a positive makeover? 

It's Time to Celebrate the Ability in Us All

I don't like to think of anyone as having a Disability. Rather, we all have different abilities. 

We all think, act or walk differently to one another. We're all individuals when all said and done.

However, I believe we all have something special that sets us a part, that makes us unique which we should celebrate and subsequently share with everyone around us in a positive drive to challenge all those misconceptions and, in so doing, break down the barriers of #inequality.

The Dis in disability is negative. It labels someone as incapable from the start. It focuses on the condition first instead of the person - creating an immediate barrier.

By removing the Dis from Disability, differently abled persons will better be able to look at themselves in a much more positive light instead of on the negative side. It will boost confidence, morale, general well-being and self-esteem.

If we don't use the term disabled, though, what do we use to describe someone who has an impairment? 

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