Are you ready to share your valuable experiences of the Dolphin Easy Reader App for an extraordinary new series on Accessibility by the Talking Point Podcast? Your unique perspectives matter, and I want to hear from you!
! Your insights can make a meaningful impact by helping developers and accessibility advocates enhance the Dolphin Easy Reader App and improve accessibility for all users.
Whether you're a tech-savvy individual or new to assistive technology, I encourage users of all backgrounds to participate.
During the podcast, I will engage in insightful discussions with Steve Bennett, MD of Dolphin, covering various topics such as Neurodiversity. I will delve into the exceptional challenges faced by Dolphin while creating an app like Easy Reader, designed to meet the diverse needs of users with multiple disabilities. Prepare yourself to join the conversation and share your remarkable Dolphin Easy Reader journey with us!
When recording your experience, please ensure that you cover the following points:
1️⃣ Your Device: Whether you use a mobile, desktop, or any other device.
2️⃣ Your Disability: Specify if you are print impaired or experiencing sight loss.
3️⃣ Additional assistive apps used with Easy Reader (e.g., screen magnification, text-to-speech).
4️⃣ Duration of Easy Reader use.
5️⃣ Your Experience of Easy Reader: Share if it has been positive, negative, or if you have an indifferent perspective.
6️⃣ Accessibility of Easy Reader: How accessible do you find the Easy Reader App?
7️⃣ Favourite Easy Reader features: Highlight the features you find most beneficial or enjoyable.
8️⃣ Easy Reader Installation Experience: Did you require assistance during the installation process? Briefly outline the reason.
To stay updated with the latest insights and to ensure you don't miss out on any podcast episodes, I cordially invite you to like my page on Facebook:
No personal information is required from you, and any voice messages you send may be used in the podcast with utmost care and respect.
📲 Send your voice messages from your own device: 📱Text: 07948 568191
📩 Email:
Rest assured, your privacy will be fully protected in accordance with the GDPR regulations.
Deadline: 15 June 2023, 12 noon.
Warm regards,
Philip Francis Anderson, Your Talking Point Podcast Host.
To leave a general comment, feedback about a post, or even recommendations for a topic to cover, please just fill out this form. For those who would prefer to send their comment in using audio, there is the additional option to upload an audio file.
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