I know what I am about to say may sound a tad confusing. That's because it is still very much at the thinking stage and open to all sorts of interpretations. Thus, apologies in advance. :)
However, if you would allow me a minute to explain, I would be ever so grateful. Don't be afraid to say what you think. In fact, I would very much like to hear what you think as it’s a learning curve for me too.
Oh well, here goes.
I'd like to know if it is possible for someone to be independent while being dependent on something at the same time?
Does the one compromise the other and defeat the object of independence, perhaps?
"Wow! What a question" I hear you say. "That's not a 'small matter!'"
Don't be alarmed. It does get easier. LOL.
Take my cuddly guide dog. I'm dependent on her for getting around.
That’s because I suffer with vision loss and need a dog to help me with getting around? Yes?
Not necessarily. There's always a cane.
Yet, I don't see the dog or the cane as being the issue here, as whichever one I choose, I am still dependent on something when all said and done.
I don’t suppose that's any different to survival in general. We all need to eat in order to survive.
Yet, should that make us any less independent?
I don't believe that it should.
To illustrate: even though I may be dependent on my dog or long cane for getting around, the two dependent variables do enable me to be independent as I'm the one doing the deciding here: where I go, who I see, which places I visit, and so on without the help of another human being.
And that's the point I think. The fact that I am the one in control, the one making the decisions is what makes me independent here, not the fact that I am dependent on a dog or cane in order to achieve my objective.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject: good, bad or indifferent. Smiles.
That's the beauty of ideas, don't you think. They are open to all sorts of interpretations at the end of the day; and I'm all in favour of exploring new possibilities.
Thanks for reading friends and for any thoughts you may wish to add :)
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