Breaking Boundaries: A Pathway to Inclusion - Accessibility and Beyond

January 30, 2024

How Innovations and Insights Are Paving the Way for a More Accessible Tomorrow

A photo of WelcoMe founder Gavin Neate holding a phone showing the WelcoMe app  in the countryside

In this thought-provoking episode of Talking Point, we delve into the complex world of accessibility and reflect on 30 years of disability discrimination legislation, questioning the progress in equality and respect. This episode critically assesses the Disability Discrimination Act and The Equality Act, while spotlighting the WelcoME platform's success in making public places more accessible with its developer, Gavin Neate. We also feature Cobolt's Talking Air Fryer, transforming cooking experiences for individuals with sight loss, and a special report on Clean Air Zones with Declan Ridell, examining their role as a catalyst for environmental change.

Interspersed with listener-recommended life-enhancing apps, join us for an enlightening journey into accessibility - where empathy meets technology, and innovation sparks action.

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